Data download¶
At the beginning of the beamtime all users listed in the proposal receive an email with a direct link and instructions on how to download data from the APS.
Data sets are distributed using a Globus, to use it you need to create a Globus Account and set up you computer as a Globus EndPoint.
Note This only applies if your data were stored on the APS data management system.
If you do not get the email with the direct link to your data, please follow these steps:
login into Globus (with your personal globus credential)
go to “Collection/Search” and search for the aps data select APS:DM:7BM
login in the the APS data management system using the same badge number/password combination that use to access the APS poroposal system
if you forgot your password you can reset it here
go to / then seach for your data by year-month/PI last name
Activate an end point on your computer (see Globus EndPoint)
Transfer the data to your computer. Note that the APS data volumes are read only through the Globus Online interface.
Another resource with instructions regarding retrieval of data saved with the APS data management system can be found on the`howTos <>`_
Raw Data Viewer¶
To view the tomographic raw data we suggest to install Fiji and add the HDF plugin
Other options are hdfview or argos
Radiography and fluorescence data are generally stored in HDF5 format, which can be accessed through Matlab, Python, or other programming languages.